Next I added the feature article photograph on the left of the page as she is looking left and this shows her focusing on the article/headline its self which makes the readers eyes to also engage in the headline and text as they follow her eye line. The feature article photograph is large as this is conventional in a magazine and also because the demographic are more stimulated by visual images. I also added a smaller picture of the model in a festival environment which is then linked to the text.
Next I added a page number in the left hand corner in the same typography as the contents page to maintain a house style. I also included some text at the bottom for additional information about the, the website and the captions onto the pictures.
I added a pull quote onto the image of the feature article photograph to link it to the main body of the text. I changed the opacity of the text box behind the pull quote to allow the feature article picture to show through. I also added a 'news block' at the top left to fill up some negative space. I also added the date on the top right hand corner. 

Then I added a stand first, because my demographic would not like reading a whole block of text so by introducing a stand first, it allows them to easily be introduced into the interview and appeals to them more to want to read it. I also then added the main interview and started to fit the text around the pull quote.
Further more, I had to realign my text as the main body of text was not central, This meant shifting the picture, main body, the stand first and the headline. To avoid creating unwanted negative space I made the news block longer and shifted everything over.
Finally to get rid of the negative space I added a news block with additional information of what other pages in the magazine have to allow the demographic to easily find more articles. I moved the main body of text around and added another picture to finish my double page spread
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