To allow the cover photographs to be taking at a high quality for my magazine, I had to experiment with lighting and positioning of my model to review the pictures on the camera and understand which angles and position of lighting made the picture look to a high standard. As the pictures above display, I had the model sitting and standing playing with different eye levels in relation to the camera and the models vision. When reviewing the pictures regarding positing of the model I found that the pictures I took with the model sitting down added a more relaxed tone to the picture through the use of body language which I felt would appeal more to the demographic. The placing of soft box lighting had to be positioned differently accordingly to the models stance. When focusing on taking pictures when the model was sitting I placed one light on the background and one light on the models face slightly to the right to create a shadow on the left side of her face to add dimension to the photograph to avoid the photograph looking two dimensional. As well as the light on the side of the model and on the background I also wanted a light towards the front of the model, below her eye line to create a glow from below on her face.
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