Saturday, 13 February 2016

EVALUATION: Question 5 - How Did You Attract and/or Address Your Audience?

From my audience's verbal response's it is evident that I have attracted/addressed my audience through the following: colour scheme, mode of address, images, and layout. I kept the colour scheme the same the whole way throughout my magazine as I wanted to create a house style The house style represents the festival, party and club theme of the magazine therefore the audience would be attracted to this. I kept the mode of address simple, easy and fun. As an audience of a younger demographic whole indulge in a party lifestyle they may be less academically able therefore writing long articles that are difficult to understand will not have gained there interest. I kept the language easy and simple to read and I planned the article out to be in interview style so as to be more fun and interesting for a young audience to interact with. The images i used such as the contents page displayed images about my entire magazine. The festival and party pictures reflect the tone of the magazine and I made the images stand out more than the text as an audience of affluent workers are more visually stimulated by content on the magazine than worded. The cover star and the feature article star was a young female of the same age group as the audience therefore they are easily related to the music and fashion she is into. Although she is a female the audience targeted is of both genders because it is about the music and music is not categorised by gender therefore is appealing to male and female. The layout of the magazine is simple, it holds a variety of images and text but is not text heavy, the use of less text and bigger pictures is more appealing to the audience as it invites them in visually as to the experience they will have when reading this magazine. I believe I have attracted/addressed my audience as I have taken into consideration many factors that a young demographic looking at dance and club culture magazines would like through the use of a magazine survey of the demographic and by studying comparative magazines of the same genre. Also, being in the social group of an affluent worker myself I have been able to relate to what people of the same age group as me would like and know the type of visual content that they would like. 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

EVALUATION: Question 3 - What Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product?

Here I have attached the script of my audio file:

What is a media institution? Well a media institution is an establishment, often profit based, and is in charge of marketing, distributing and producing different media products. When initially deciding which media institution would be best suited to distribute my product I had to look at whether they were an independent publisher or a conglomerate institution. I also had to look at  whether there was a gap in the market for my media product to become successful and whether the company has the correct skills needed to distribute ‘Tempo’ which is categorised in the genre of ‘dance and club culture’.

Upon research I looked at two competitors of ‘Tempo’ magazine; ‘Mixmag’ and ‘DJ’. Both of these magazines are placed in the same genre as ‘Tempo’ and draw in the same social demographic. I analysed these two magazines and how they are distributed throughout the media and the experience that comes with distributing to a younger demographic and a social group of affluent workers.

Firstly, I looked at DJ mag, DJ mag is an English magazine which produces 1 issue of the magazine monthly and is dedicated to electronic dance music. The magazine is edited by Ben Murphy and was originally an independent distributer under ‘DJ mag publishing’. However, due to being an independent company the magazine was very low profile therefore generated a very low profit. Recently, the magazine has moved over to a larger publishing company and is now distributed by ‘Thrust publishing’.  DJ mag has now become a high profile magazine and profits have proliferated compared to their old sales as an independent publisher.

My next competitor goes by the name of ‘Mixmag’. Mixmag is also a magazine dedicated to dance music and releases one issue each month. The first Mixmag issue was distributed on the 1ST February 1983, and in 2010 were selling roughly about 21,250 units per year. Mixmag is published by a publishing venture set up by David Hepworth and Jerry Perkins called Development Hell LTD. The company creators of Development Hell LTD have more than 35 years combined experience devising, editing and publishing titles such as Q, Empire, Mojo and Heat. This allows Mixmag to reach a wider audience due to being distributed by a larger publishing company.

However, after researching into both of my competitors distributers, I wanted a publishing company that would predominantly have the availability to offer me required skills I need to reach a wider audience than an independent publisher would.

In contrast to Mixmag and DJ’s distributors I looked at global conglomerates such as Bauer Media. Bauer Media is one of Europe’s most successful media companies offering over 300 magazines such as karrang! and mojo. Bauer Media have a global presence spanning 16 countries on 4 continents, allowing them to collaborate across borders.  Due to this, there knowledge of specific selling points for the magazine would be pin pointed and enhanced so as to make the magazine successful in not just 1 or 2 but many different countries across the globe. The end result of this would mean that a greater amount of profit would be made in contrast to if my magazine was distributed by a smaller publishing house. 

The reasoning for wanting ‘Tempo’ to be published by Bauer Media is because there is a gap in the market for the genre of ‘Dance and club culture’ therefore my magazine would have a unique selling point and be able to reach a new and larger audience of affluent workers. Bauer media work with technological advancement and cross convergence of my media product would mean that “Tempo’s” content would be accessible to everywhere to everyone. With the demographic of tempo being of a younger audience, cross media convergence would be a great way to promote the product as the generation of ‘Tempo’s’ audience is the most tech savvy and in touch through the use of web 2.0.

In conclusion, I would want Bauer media to distribute my media product, due to the large and widely spread audience that can be reached through the distribution of different countries. The experience the offer would mean that ‘Tempo’ magazine could reach the high of success and generate a large profit.