Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Front Cover Photography Process: Taking the pictures


The results of my survey which was answered by my demographic was that a mid shot for front cover would be most appropriate and would suit the magazine style of  a dance music magazine. Out of the multiple pictures I took, these photos above, I felt were ones of a high standard and would look best in my magazine as they give of the correct impression of a fun, playful tone which is what I intended to convey to the demographic of a dance music magazine. Some of these pictures are long shots rather than mid shots and these would be more appropriate to put on my contents page or double page spread. I styled her in different outfits so as to get as to have more options when choosing my cover photos and to incorporate an element of variety in my magazine with regards to the style of my model. I also used props such as headphones to enhance the fact that these pictures are to be in a dance music magazine. The lighting in these photographs varied depending on the stance of the model and the position of the camera, whether it was a long shot, mid shot or close up.